what it means to be a woman
Really? I think we're pretty straight forward, women in general- We want you to be smart, caring and able to read our minds. The End.
Anyway he asked a bunch of girls to fill out a survey, the results were funny- but at minute 3 second 7, I cracked up.
I, too have looked at my dryer and wondered if I could get in it. I thought I was the only one who ever had thoughts like that. I'll look at a box or a space and wonder, "can I fit in that?"
I told my 8th grades about the question. I watched the faces of the girls, they smiled, they blushed and they avoided eye contact. It hit me, "YOU TOO! You've thought that too!"
Every girl laughed and nodded.
We talked about looking at a "problem" trying to figure out how you would contort your body in a way to help you fit into the object.
Then I asked, "Did you ever get in it?"
Every girl answered with, "No. Never. That's stupid."
I looked over at the boys.
Half the group said, "The thought has never once crossed my mind."
The other half said, "I got stuck."
There you go. That's the difference between men and women. Women will problem solve and determine if it's a logical thing to do. Men will either not think it's a problem or they will FUBR it up.
Check out the clip below
minute 3:07.
I LOVE Charlie! Haha. Thanks for the follow as well... think I'll follow back!