Thursday, June 28, 2012

Arrested over Revising? Really?

So I saw this over on fail blog.

Then I decided to check out the whole article, which can be found here:
For those of you who didn't have the time to read the article and assumed I would summarize it, you are right.  Basically, the kid who didn't have a computer at home, showed up early to school to revise for a final exam.  According to the school he was causing a disturbance and the police were called.  No charged were filed.

So the teacher in me, sees a kid who is freaking out over his grades and has become obsessed and needs some sort of a wake up call. (hence the police) Simple fact is, the kid was going to get an A anyway.  Sometimes the most humane thing a teacher can to do for an over achieving kid is say, "relax." But we also know that's can be completely futile.  Once someone has something in his or her head, it's nearly impossible to change their mind. 

The writer in me says, "let the kid revise already.  He's right, it's got to be perfect.  Or as perfect as he can make it at that moment in time. " 
Man if I was arrested for every time I went OCD on a paragraph in one of my manuscripts, I'd have a life sentence... although, I would have a lot more time to write.

Thoughts on this case? 

The Mirror seems to be the Fox News of the UK, so I don't know how reliable it is.

And if anyone know what a "swot" is, that would greatly help me understand the meaning of the text.  Is it like the American SWAT team?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Gems of the internet

Oh Ad Choices--- I'm not sure what you are other then a pop up add, but you're awesome.
Every once in a while Ad Sense gives you a little gem. A picture next to an article that doesn't quite go together.  Behold what I discovered on Saturday:

Yep an article about child abuse with a picture of a man holding a small half naked boy...
Sometimes internet you're funny with your snarky use of brief language.  But it's your unintended humor that bring hilarity.

Yes, I'm aware I'm going to hell, you don't need to point it out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to live if you're a character in a bad book

So I was going to post about non-events and insignificant accomplishments but instead I stumbled on this and I thought I should share. 

It's from and if you haven't checked out this website you should.

Ask yourself, exactly how many of these mistakes have you made?  

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Off Line

Sorry, I've been off line for a while and I think I'll be off line for the next couple of weeks. 

My life has exploded in an array of both good and bad.

I've started a new novel, although admittedly it's taking a long to time get into it.  Hopeful my word war with Holly will keep me motivated.

I've also started taking dance classes, which are super fun but a time vampire. 

Happiest of all, I've completely fallen in love with my husband all over again.  After being together for over decade, I recently woke up and realized exactly why I love him.  So I've been trying to spend a lot more time with him instead of on the internet.

 On the more tragic side, my grandmother passed away a month ago.  It was a beautiful and peaceful death, but she was a private person and out of respect for her I've opted from blogging about it.

 Most recently, one of my students suddenly passed away.  He was an eighth grader and I taught him in seventh grade.  The unspoken rule of being a teacher is you will attend at least one funeral for a student within your career.  

Sometimes it feels like there aren't enough successes in my profession.  Sometimes it feels like there are so many changes coming from people who don't understand children at all.

Sometimes you have to bury the student who sat in the third row.

It's easy to get overwhelmed and depressed.

Despite all the "sometimes," I ALWAYS have amazing students.  I am constantly reminded that the world is a better place because my students will make the future better. 

My heart and prayers go out to the student's family and all my students' families who are facing this highly personal tragedy. 

With all the emotional stuff, I need a little blog break. 

But I'll be back with witty and snarky things to say.  Eventually.  I miss you guys.

Enjoy your summer.