Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Penny and Hank- update

I went dark for a week because I really wanted to win a contest and in my insane logic the longer I had the posting up the better chance I would have to win. News on the contest will come soon.

I've been thinking a lot about this blog, how I can gain more followers, how I can reward my followers, what sort of content I should fill the blog up with.

So I will ask you, all of those who take the time to read this blog, and ask, what sort of stuff do you want to see?

I was thinking about doing a round up all links to all the cool blogs I read in a week on Fridays.
Maybe pictures of things I like one day of the week.

Anyway Penny and Hank. I have less then 1 month to finish the book. I hit 22K words this weekend. Page 89. I'm 2/3s of the way to my goal.

I've also hit the point in my book where I've gotten my characters to the main setting, now they need to do something. How many pages do you think I can commit to them watching TV? At least 150, right?

I have the book mentally outlined, although the outline changes all the time.

How about you my writer friends? Do you plan out your story ahead of time with room to change or do sit at the computer and let the words come? Do you control your characters or do they control you?


  1. I'm a planner to the core; I'm doing a challenge where I pants a whole story. I love the story. I hate the process of pantsing. I don't even know if I'll revise it because the pantsing is.... killing me. What I like to do is have a general plot outline and a list of things that need to happen internally for the characters to progress. And I control my characters. I know their motivations before I start and I carefully cast the right character for what I need - thus eliminating characters who take scenes in an opposite direction and tell me no or something. For me it's all in the preparation.

  2. First, you stole one of the layouts I was eying. Boo you.

    Second, maybe you should do linkies mid-week. A lot of blogs link up on Fridays.

    Third, I've always been a pantser until I did NaNoWriMo. I will never pants again.
